Paper dolls from the collection of the Wirtschaftswundermuseum [Economic Miracle Museum]
Inge, 1950s
Chromolithograph, Josef Schneider Jr. Vienna, no. 121
Clemens Sels Museum Neuss, Feld-Haus collection
Glamour, fashion and pop culture – the colourful world of paper dress-up dolls is a real treat for retro fans. From the American film stars of the 1940s to the 1960s such as Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly or Rock Hudson to the Swinging Sixties with the first supermodel in history, Twiggy, the paper dolls from the collection of the virtual Wirtschaftswundermuseum, the economic miracle museum, tell of the fashion, ideals and events of their time. As an inexpensive children’s toy, paper dress-up dolls have enjoyed great popularity for around 200 years. For many visitors, the “paper doll universe” will once again conjure up the magic of childhood and youth.