Simon Schubert im Feld-Haus
From Julia Margaret Cameron to Thomas Ruff
Dein Kunstlieferservice während unserer Schließung
Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Killer Moth & Co.
Femme fatale and icon of European cinema
The siege by Charles the Bold
From Symbolism to Expressionism
Trading cards from Stollwerck to Liebig and Panini to Pokémon
Of homes and origins
Rediscover restored works!
Contemporary positions from paper
Jürgen Paatz – Painting
Career of a hot drink
Rediscover rescued masterpieces!
Wonderful fairy tale worlds from the collection Feld-Haus
Draw rock & pop stars from John Lennon to Udo Lindenberg
Digital to the original
Lessons on the original with students of the Pascal-Gymnasium Grevenbroich
Lessons on the original with students of the Archbishop's Grammar School Marienberg
Dancer of Light and Colour
Representations of the Feminine in Expressionism
Popular Prints after Old Masters from the Feld-Haus Collection
People in Roman Novaesium
Evidence of Jewish life in Neuss
Along the windows and mirrors
Restoration of important works of the Clemens Sels Museum Neuss
Helmut Hahn in dialogue with Max Ernst, Elisabeth Kadow and Otto Steinert
Lessons with the Originals
A time travel through the history of fishing in the Lower Rhine region
Paper dolls from the collection of the Wirtschaftswundermuseum [Economic Miracle Museum]
New works by Campendonk's pupil Wilhelm Teuwen
reverse painting on glass from August Macke to today
The invention of new image printing processes in the 19th century
The unifying language of art
Snacking in Neuss
Edward von Steinle and Leopold Bode
Calligraphic landscapes
Myth and facts
The Ces Hernandez Collection
The influence of photography on the portrait
Representations from five centuries
Travel and pilgrimage souvenirs from the Feld-Haus collection
Italian ice cream makers in the Lower Rhine
Religious representations at the time of Martin Luther
Erich Bödeker and Josef Wittlich
The Bible from Chagall to Crane
Depictions of animals from around the world on popular prints
Autumn still life and self-portraits
From Peter Doig to Thomas Schütte
From life on the Roman frontier
Embroidered house blessings on luxury paper
Outdoor light sculpture
Johann Anton Ramboux (1790-1866)
Tribute to the 80th birthday
Works on paper
The virtual in the concrete
Prehistoric religions in the Lower Rhine region
The art publishing house A. Felgner
abstract painting in an digital world
An afterlife journey - 99 conundrums
Historical advertising posters from the Heinrich Becker collection
When the Altbier was still young
Bilderbogen production and trade in the 18th and 19th centuries
Landscape in the mirror of the centuries
Presentation of the competition works from Neuss schools
Exhibition of the Museum Association
On the change of Advent
Moreau, Matisse & Co.
Naive art from Poland
Neuss collect all kinds of
The Clemens-Sels-Museum Neuss celebrates anniversary
Oostender Book of Hours
Christmas letters, wish lists and fulfilled children's dreams made of paper
An artist friendship
Homage to Irmgard Feldhaus (1920 – 2010)
The big small world of paper theater sheets - From the collections of Dr. Irmgard Feldhaus and Christian Reuter
The small big world of paper theater
The transformed space
Roman cuisine in a Germanic province
Johann Wilhelm Schirmer's travel sketches