Popular Imagery

Popular Imagery is the term used for graphic prints that were brought out in large numbers for a broad section of the population, such as devotional images, greeting cards, friendship and calling cards, printed wall paintings, broadsheets with illustrated narratives, cardboard sheets for handi crafts, paper crèches, broadsheets with pictures of current events, paper games and much more.

Devotional Prints

In most cultures people have used imagery and symbolism to familiarize themselves with religious concepts.

Wall Painting Prints

One eye-catcher in the Feld-Haus is a wall packed densely with prints from the collection of wall painting prints. One of the earliest functions of serially printed single sheets was as décor for homes.


The predecessors of the colored broadsheets that were printed by the hundreds of thousands in the 19th century can be traced as far back as the 15th century. At a time when few people were able to read, printers produced single sheets with a large illustration on the front with a short, explanatory text.

Friendship Cards


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